Friday, October 19, 2012

3 Months Old!

Liam turned 3 months old on October 9. I can't believe how fast this little guy is growing and how much he changes every day. New and exciting things happen every day around's just a peek at what we've been up to:

Liam no longer hates tummy time, and will tolerate it for 5-10 minutes at a time, then we will take a break to do something else and come back and do a few more minutes.

And, now, most of the time I'm constantly flipping the little booger back over because he learned to roll from tummy to back last week! He's getting pretty good at it, so when he's decided he's had enough...over he goes! Sweet boy.

I finally made it through the huge stash of disposable diapers I had from my showers, so Liam is wearing his cloth diapers full-time now. I love my BumGenius diapers! I am happy to say that I have not bought a single diaper yet (except the cloth ones). And, is there anything cuter than this?

Liam can grab toys and bring them to his mouth, and he especially loves sweet Sophie the giraffe!

Also new, DROOL. So much drool.

...and chewing on his hands

 ...and blowing bubbles!

Overall, Liam is a good nighttime sleeper. During the day, he prefers to catnap. If a nap lasts longer than an hour, it's a miracle. Until recently he's been swaddled for naps and at night because he has wild-man hands that wake him up every 5 seconds. We are trying to phase out the swaddling, though, since little man has decided it's fun to scoot to the edge of his Rock and Play or Nap Nanny and try to do backflips. It looks like he will be rolling back to belly pretty soon! We are also working on getting him to sleep flat at nighttime to make the move to his crib easier. Right now, he is sleeping beside our bed in the Pack and Play wearing his Baby Merlin's Magic Sleepsuit (he was sleeping in the Rock and Play, swaddled). My goal is to get him to the crib all night by 6 months. I still can't sleep if he's not close to me! We are getting there...

Our four month check-up is right around the corner! He will get more shots (boo!) and maybe the green light to start some solids. I can't wait to fire up the baby food maker!! 

Soaking wet bibs and bubbly grins...