Sunday, August 19, 2012

Little man is 6 Weeks old!

Let's just pretend it hasn't been like half a year since I updated this blog. :)

Tomorrow my sweet Liam will be 6 weeks old. I always heard that time changes somehow when you have a baby, flying by faster than ever. It is so, so true. I feel like I was still pregnant yesterday, but here I sit, listening to my 6 week old snore on the baby monitor.

The past 6 weeks have been the most wonderful and the hardest of my life. I mean, I knew that I would be sleep- deprived and hormonal and that "a baby changes everything" and all that. But, you really cannot prepare yourself for what it is to be a new parent. Suddenly there is this PERSON in the world that you helped create, and YOU are responsible for keeping it alive. I have a hard time keeping plants alive and remembering to feed the dogs (thank goodness for automatic dog- feeders)! Unfortunately, they don't make automatic baby feeders, or diaper-changers, either. Boo. This tiny little thing needs you, like, for everything. All the time. And it is so painfully adorable and terrifying all at the same time. Somehow, we all survived a whole month and a half. Here's what I've learned so far:

1. Back labor sucks. Especially when your epidural catheter moves out of place, or runs out of medicine, or just flat out isn't working...or all three! They say you forget the pain...still haven't.

2. Breastfeeding is HARD. And it hurts. And you feel like a failure when it hurts, because everyone tells you it "shouldn't" hurt if you're "doing it right". (You feel like a failure for pretty much the whole first month, but that's another story) You may even get bleeding, infected blisters on your nipples and dread feeding your baby when he's hungry. After all that hard work, you still may not make enough milk. I'm still trying to nurse as much as I can, but we had to supplement with formula. And, guess what. THAT'S OKAY! Which leads to my next point...

3. Do what works for you and your family. Don't get caught up in what's "right" or "wrong" according to this book or that person. Are you happy? Is your baby happy? Is your husband happy? If the answer is yes, carry on. If not, change something. Do not feel guilty about it, either. Everyone has an opinion and (usually uninvited) advice when you have a baby. Do what YOU feel is right for you. And breathe.

4. If you have a boy, be on guard at all times during diaper changes. And, point it down.

5. Justin and I make freaking cute babies!

6. Sometimes, babies just cry. For no reason at all.  It's okay to cry with're both figuring it out! Liam looks like a scary, alien baby when he is really wound- up. It freaked me out at first. He got the "ugly cry" from his Mama.

7. A good, tight swaddle will usually help with #6. Throw in a little walk around the house or a swing on the porch, and the crying might even stop! :)

8. The following items are absolutely essential (to me): muslin swaddle blankets, a white noise machine (or iPhone app), the Fisher Price Rock and Play, a Boppy pillow, Dr. Brown's bottles, a good breast pump,  microwave sterilizer bags, the Angelcare monitor, 15 zillion burp cloths, gas drops, gripe water, and baby Zantac.

9. The following items are nice, but not really necessary (to me): a wipe warmer, a swing and a bouncy seat (so far he doesn't really like either one!), warm fleece-y sleepers (if you swaddle, all they need to wear is a onesie).

10. I could not do this without my husband. Or my Mama. They are the reason I'm not completely crazy right now.

I cannot believe that I am someone's mother. I am so thankful to have this little miracle in my arms. As hard as every day is, I love being Liam's Mama. I can't wait to see what he grows up to be...but not too fast!