Here's a recap of the events of the past 9- ish weeks:
1. Three days prior to Liam's birth, our house was filled with boxes and a moving crew (not to mention a landlady that pointed out every detail of yardwork that had been neglected during my pregnancy). The couple that we lease the house from moved the furniture that they had kept here to their new home in Ohio. To put it mildly...this was stressful to a 38-week-pregnant mama!! To ensure that we wouldn't come home to an empty house, we went furniture shopping to get some basics and fill some space. My Mama also hooked us up with some antique pieces that my great-grandfather built. I posted a long time back about the house and showed y'all how it looked when we moved is our "new" living room and dining room set up....MUCH more my style!
This table was made by Paw. It is gorgeous black walnut. The chairs are an find. And, little old me made the curtains and ruffled runner...thanks Pinterest!
New sofa, chair, coffee table and console for TV. Paw made the desk by the window. I made the (super classy) burlap curtains. :)
2. We had a BABY!! A darn cute one at that. I have been using him as a little model to practice my "photography" skills. (I use the term loosely) I got a new lens and a reflector, so I'm pretty much a professional now. Kidding.
3. I resigned from my position as Weekend Coordinator for the Rehab department at St. Dominic. I'm still planning on working PRN, though, beginning in October...Just typing that gave me heart palpitations. Hopefully, I can ease into going back to work, leaving my baby, and remembering how to be a Physical Therapist. I am grateful beyond words to be able to spend my days with my sweet boy. I won't pretend like there aren't days where I feel cooped up and downright insane...but I'm pretty excited about my new job as Liam's Mama. See above pictured cuteness. :) And, in case I should forget, I have this little reminder from the sweetest niece of all time:
4. Justin started working on a possible job in Oxford, MS for after graduation. Basically, he and a few other residents are trying to form a group to staff the ER there. It's a complicated process, and I am praying hard that it all works out. We LOVE Oxford, and think it would be an amazing place to raise our family.
5. We took our first road trip home with Liam when he was around 5 weeks old. Traveling with a baby is no joke, folks. Rude awakening. It was fine, really. Just totally different. Here he is, all ready to ride. He was a sweet, sleepy angel on the way there...going home...scary alien baby came out (see previous blog post)!
So, that's what we've been up to! I'll try to be a better blogger. Liam is growing and changing every. single. day. It's nice to have something to look back at and remember...