Cuisinart Keurig Brewer
This has been on my wish list for quite a while, and I must say it was worth the wait. I love this thing! Coffee, tea, hot cocoa, iced's amazing. It will brew 4, 6, 8, or 12 ounces at a time. You can use the prepackaged K-cups, a tea bag, or your own coffee/ loose tea in the My K-cup. Perfect every time. Plus, you can just get hot water out of it for tea or oatmeal if you want!
Thanks Mom and Dad!
Justin's aunt Tabatha gave me a Williams Sonoma gift card! The perfect gift for me! I really, really needed a new muffin tin, so I got one. Plus, an Everyday Food cookbook. And some of their basil scented hand soap, countertop spray, and dish liquid...mmmm...smells like heaven!
Thank you, Tab!
My sweet sissy, Jennifer, got me the juicer I have been wanting! I told you I got hooked up! I haven't taken a picture of it, but I did make some super amazing healthy juices! So far I have juiced beets, carrots, apples, celery, tomatoes, and oranges. So, so fun! And it makes you feel so healthy!
Thanks Jenn!
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